Moreno D'Incà


via Sommarive, 9, Povo Trento, Italy

Hi there! I am Moreno D’Incà a Ph.D. student at the Multimedia and Human Understanding Group - University of Trento (Italy), under the supervision of Prof. Nicu Sebe. My research focuses on generative AI, particularly in Text-to-Image generative models.

Before, I earned my Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Trento (Italy) after completing my Master’s thesis at the Queen Mary University of London, an opportunity provided by the AI4Media Junior Fellows Exchange Program.


Feb 27, 2024 OpenBias is accepted as Highlight paper (top 11.9%) at CVPR 2024! 🚀
Oct 20, 2023 VLBC is accepted at WACV 2024!

selected publications

  1. CVPR
    OpenBias: Open-set Bias Detection in Text-to-Image Generative Models
    Moreno D’Incà , Elia Peruzzo , Massimiliano Mancini , and 6 more authors
    In arXiv , 2024
  2. WACV
    Improving Fairness Using Vision-Language Driven Image Augmentation
    Moreno D’Incà , Christos Tzelepis , Ioannis Patras , and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) , 2024
  3. IEE Access
    Unleashing the Transferability Power of Unsupervised Pre-Training for Emotion Recognition in Masked and Unmasked Facial Images
    Moreno D’incà , Cigdem Beyan , Radoslaw Niewiadomski , and 2 more authors
    IEEE Access, 2023